The Life of Milarepa

The Life of Milarepa

Tsangnyön Heruka


We picked this book up because we heard that the great Romanian sculptor Constantine Brançusi kept it at his bedside through out his life. The book follows the life of a monk. It’s nothing short of extraordinary.

The Life of Milarepa

Tsangnyön Heruka


We picked this book up because we heard that the great Romanian sculptor Constantine Brançusi kept it at his bedside through out his life. The book follows the life of a monk. It’s nothing short of extraordinary.

The Life of Milarepa

Tsangnyön Heruka


We picked this book up because we heard that the great Romanian sculptor Constantine Brançusi kept it at his bedside through out his life. The book follows the life of a monk. It’s nothing short of extraordinary.

The Life of Milarepa Book Cover
The Life of Milarepa Book Cover
The Life of Milarepa Book Cover